Every Little Bit Helps

Yesterday my girl's school had a tag day. Now a tag day is usually held one day a month. The kids bring in a dollar and they are allowed to wear regular clothes instead of their uniforms. The money they collect is usually given to a charity of some sort. This time it was used to raise money to send to Haiti.

My oldest daughter's teacher wanted them to wear clothes that reflected the colors on the Haitian flag. This was a fairly easy task because their flag has many different colors. My daughter wore jeans of course and a red and blue shirt. Both colors are on the flag.

Now my daughter's school is not a large school though they do have about 500 students. So if you think about it they should at least raise $500. Well many of the students brought in more than that and the school was able to raise over $3000.00. This was fabulous. The principal was thrilled and the kids really felt like they helped. It's a good way for them to learn about helping others. My girls have seen some of the news on this earthquake and all the people who need help. They want to help and yesterday they did.

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