Latest AWANA Grand Prix Race Cars and Results

Well, that time of year has stunk up on us again. Yep... It's AWANA Grand Prix time, and we were totally unprepared.

We just got the girls' cars about 2 weeks before our race deadline. And the girls weren't sure what they wanted to do with their cars, so they sat there for... oh... about 2 weeks. And then, Friday night, they realized they HAD to do something, or they weren't going to be able to compete with their cars at our AWANA group.

So, Friday night, they busted their little booties, and finished up their cars.

Keeley ended up going for a Lemony Snickets book design for her AWANA car. The cover of the book opens up on the car to reveal the table of contents inside. We had a buddy cut off the top, because I didn't have the tools to do it. She then added some book spine tape, to tape the top of the book onto the bottom block of wood. And then Keeley went through the painstaking process of painting everything so that it would look like a book. Unfortunately, I was hoping we could do the cover in color, but our printer cartridge only had black and white. Thank goodness Keeley is a very laid-back personality type, so she was happy to go with the lack of color.

Kait, went to the other extreme, and built what looked like a bunch of legos put together in a car shaped block. Her AWANA car was super bright and colorful. And from a distance, it actually looked like legos stuck together.

We thought we might have a chance at getting some design trophies... maybe? Even that was a little iffy, because the girls didn't have as much time to put their cars together as they had in the past. We definitely weren't sure how they would do in the speed department.

However, their results came out great. They did quite well with their AWANA Grand Prix entries for this year. Both of them got design trophies from their groups. And they both got speed trophies. Thankfully, we didn't have a tremendous amount of competitors, but hey... the girls were super excited to do so well again. Especially after our dismal results at last year's AWANA grand prix.

Great job to the Speer girls! I am SUPER proud of them for nailing it once again.
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