New Moon

Well today I attended the 10 am showing of New Moon with a friend who luckily arrived when the doors opened or we wouldn't have been able to see the show. She told me there were swarms of fans going in when the theater opened. It was a little frightening. The theater was packed full of women and even a few guys. Luckily they weren't a rowdy bunch. That's one reason I never attend midnight showings of any movie. People tend to be so excited that you can't here the movie.

The movie itself was awesome. It was a wonderful adaption of the book. There were only a few things I found disappointing. I was really hoping that we would see when Bella and Edward were flying back from Italy and the scene when they arrive back home and Bella won't let go of Edward. Yes, they are minor things and honestly I understand that not everything from the book can be in the movie. They're just scenes that have always stuck in my head.

I found the acting to be so much better than the last movie. I absolutely loved Alice. She was just like in the book. Bella was wonderful. You really could feel her pain and anguish. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked Jacob in the movie when in the book I found him annoying and immature. Props to Taylor Lautner on winning me over though I will always be and Edward fan. I loved the Volturi scenes though I would have liked more of Jane. Edward was amazing in them and Bella was as well.

All in all worth the money and a second viewing I will be going with my daughter and her friends tomorrow. She's a little upset with me that I saw it before her. I guess I'm a mean mom because well I made her go to school and well all the shows for today and tonight are completely sold out. I really don't enjoy going to the movies on Friday nights anyway. It tends to be the annoying audiences at that time of night.

I'm sure my daughter will love this movie, but I will give a full report of her and her friends reaction tomorrow.

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