Expedition Everest and Me

Today started much better than yesterday. There were no rude people in the halls so thanks for that. We decided to take our time and head into Animal Kingdom for a little while.

We arrived at the park and it was surprisingly not that crowded. We are so used to coming when these places have people everywhere. Not to say there weren't people. There seem to be plenty of Yankee fans eyeballing the Red Sox shirt I had on today. Not that I care. I love my team and despise the Yankees. Anyway back to the park. The first ride we chose to go on was Dinosaur. Mostly because I have never gone on it. We have been here several times with the girls, but never got on. My 12 year old went with my husband once and I stress the once. She hated it. Of course she's a girl and dinosaurs have never really interested her and well the ride is dark and scary. My youngest has no desire to go on it and after going on it myself I will not encourage it. No good can come from scaring my 8 year old. She could choose to boycott the rest of the vacation. Needless to say I went on it and well it was cool, but probably won't do it again.

Next we headed in the direction of the big scary mountain known as Expedition Everest. I have been able to avoid this ride for the past couple of trips, but today I wasn't so lucky. You see my 8 year old is not a big ride kinda girl so I usually hang out with her while my husband and the 12 year old go. I have never minded as I am not a big roller coaster girl myself. Well today he wanted me to go and there was only a 5 minute wait so I went. Of course my biggest fear with this ride is that we will get stuck on the way up the mountain. I have seen the ride stuck there before and ever since I have had no desire to go on it. It also didn't help that my 12 year old didn't like it and said she would never go on again. Anyway, we went and it really wasn't as bad as I thought. I just get myself all worked up. However, if you don't want to go backwards, in the dark down a hill you may want to pass. That was the worst part. It also banged me around a bit and I wasn't as smart as my husband who braced his head on the back because he knew what was coming. I would consider going on this again though it was not my favorite part of the day.

The best part of the day was the Festival of the Lion King. I have seen this many times before and I honestly could see it 100 more. It is just so much fun. The music is awesome and the performers are amazing. They have this one girl who is dressed like a bird and they hook her on a wire and she goes flying around the room. Honestly amazing every time.

Well tomorrow I'm on my own as hubby is headed to classes all day. Sounds like a great day to hang out by the pool and read. I am really looking forward to just enjoying the sunshine. I hope the clouds that have been hanging around disburse.

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