Thanksgiving Grocery Shopping

Every year it's the same and every year I try to avoid the nightmare of holiday shopping, but no it doesn't seem to matter when I hit the grocery store before Thanksgiving. It's always going to be ugly.

I usually do my weekly shopping on Monday or Tuesday so I was going anyway to restock the house. The place was crazy. The parking lot was getting really full when I arrived, but I didn't have a problem finding a spot. Lucky for me. The aisles inside were so crowded because not only were they full with people trying to find everything to make their holiday perfect they were also full with clerks trying to restock the shelves that had been emptied. It was like an obstacle course. To make matters worse many people in the aisles seem to believe they are the only ones shopping so they park their carts in the middle of the aisle so you are unable to get by. If you say excuse me half of them ignore you and continue about their business. It's very frustrating. I held it together though and smiled and said excuse me till my throat hurt.

When I completed my shopping I headed for the check out lines. They were all open and each one had at least 3 people waiting. Again I just grinned and bared it. I was in the home stretch after all. I spoke to the girl at the check out and she told me it had been this crazy since yesterday. I felt bad for her because she said there was no time for them to have breaks. I don't think that's right. Everyone needs a break.

I headed out to my car and found that the parking lot was completely full. In fact someone saw me heading for my car and followed. They sat with their blinker on waiting while I loaded my groceries. I find that so annoying. It makes me feel like I have to rush. Needless to say I did and headed out of the lot hoping that I didn't forget anything because I don't want to go anywhere near that place until after Thanksgiving.

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