Another Day at the Pool

Okay my hubby had another day of conference stuff so I spent most of it at the pool. Why not it's gorgeous and in just a few days I'm going to be back in chilly New England. I heard it was dismal yesterday.

I do miss my girls. Though I know they are in the best hands. My mom is awesome and would do anything for them. They can be quite needy especially the older one and because she's at that fabulous tween age of 12 she won't necessarily tell you what she wants or if there is a problem. She actually believes that you can read her mind. I have tried to explain to her that I can't. I wish I could. It would save so much time. I've talked to the girls a couple times each day and they seem great, but it's hard to be away from them. Don't get me wrong I'm having a wonderful time with my husband. I just miss my girls.

Tonight we have to attend some cocktail party at the pool. I actually will be happy to be done with these conference people. I haven't seen so many people this drunk since college. I guess that's what happens when there is an open bar for 3 hours 3 nights in a row. My husband and I have turned in by midnight at the latest for the past few nights while hearing that most of these people are hanging out at the bar till it closed at 2. I guess we're getting old. Oh well I like my sleep.

Well tomorrow we go to EPCOT. It's the food and wine festival. We expect to have a very relaxed day there and I hope to eat at the Japanese restaurant. I love watching my food cooked in front of me. Well I'll let you know.

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