Grandparents Day, Linner and Baking

Today has been busy since I dragged myself out of bed this morning and I'm still not done. It started with getting the girls all ready in their formal school uniforms (my oldest hates this and I made her wear her skirt) for Grandparents Day at school. Every year on the day before Thanksgiving their school puts on this wonderful show or as they call it a liturgy for the grandparents of all the children. The grandparents love it and so do the children. It's just a very busy crazy day.

First the grandparents are offered a breakfast and then are allowed to visit the kids in their classrooms. They allowed the parents to join this year so I got to go with my parents. The girls were so happy to see them. My younger one showed them her desk while the older showed her locker neither one all that neat, but what can you do. Then it was time to head over to the over crowded church to enjoy the liturgy. My parents were able to find a seat, but parents are asked to stand. My feet are killing me. I shouldn't have worn heels.

Each class performs one or two songs. The girls did great, though my older daughter's line got mixed up and she ended up behind a much taller girl by mistake. It was really too bad because one set of grandparents weren't able to see her. Nothing I could do there, but I felt bad. I could barely see her. They had a great time doing it. Everyone was happy. Then it was a mad dash to dismiss them from their classrooms. I tell you it's like a stampede. I was able to maneuver my way in threw a side door and come out with them fairly quickly. Thank you to whoever opened the side door. Then it was home and time for them to change for linner. They would never go out in their uniforms if it can be avoided.

Linner is what we call a meal between lunch and dinner. I have no idea if other people use this word, but we do and we think we're very clever. HA HA. We ate at the Longhorn Steak House and it was great. I hate cooking a meal the day before Thanksgiving so linner helped me avoid that. Yay me!

Now I have to end this post as I have to make a chocolate cream pie and brownies for tomorrows dinner at my moms. I love Thanksgiving. I really can not wait to sit with my family and enjoy a delicious meal. Oh and maybe a nice glass of wine.

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