No Chocolate Chip Waffles till the Summer

My daughter changes what she wants for breakfast pretty much every week. Sometimes it's Cheerios, sometimes bagels, but one of her favorite things is chocolate chip Eggo waffles. It's not my favorite thing for her to have, but once in a while it's okay.

So this week she asked me to pick them up. Well I went to the store and the freezers were pretty bare. Then I noticed the sign on the freezer stating that there was a shortage of Eggo waffles nationwide. I had no clue what this was about so I just picked up bagels for my daughters breakfast.

First thing out of her mouth the next morning was: Did you forget to get me waffles? I told her they didn't have them and there was some kind of shortage. She was disappointed, but quickly moved on.

Well I was doing a current events paper with my 8 year old. Trying to find something that was nonviolent. I can't believe how hard I had to look for something. Anyway we found an article about Kellogg's informing the public that there will be a shortage of frozen Eggo waffles until the summer because production was stalled in a plant in Atlanta and another plant is undergoing repairs. Well my older daughter was none to pleased with this information. It's the end of the world. Well not really, but to a tween girl it's always the end of the world when you can't get something you want.

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