Art Class Volunteer

Every Wednesday I volunteer in my 9 year olds art class at school. Usually I would share the time with other mothers, but for some reason I'm the only one who volunteered this year. I think it's because most moms work on Sunday. Well this year I'm not working so I'm able to do this with my daughter and I love it. I love seeing all the wonderful things the kids create.

Now this week they got to work with clay. What a mess. The project was to create a Celtic medallion. They designed it the week before and this week they were to recreate it with clay. The kids were really into this project. I don't blame them. I was itching to get to work myself. It's so much fun to work with clay. It really gets the stress out. They don't always need my help, but this week my name was being called in all directions for an hour. The teacher and I were very busy helping them work the clay the way they wanted. When they were done they were given these plastic jewels to glue on them which made it look really cool. Next week they'll color them gold. I thought this was a very cool project.

My daughter was really into it and surprisingly she never asked for my help. She did it all herself. I always itch to help her though I'm usually able to hold myself back. It's just the way a mom works they see their child working on something and they want to help make it better. I'm no different, but there are so many kids who want help it would be wrong to just stay their with my child the whole class. I've seen other mothers do that and I've vowed not to be one of them.

It's fun to watch the kids create, but others just get into so much mischief. There's one little boy who drives my daughter crazy and it's not really my place to discipline the kids I'm only there to assist the teacher. He was really tormenting her this week and I was about to let the teacher know when I saw that she was all over it. She moved his chair well away from my daughter and smiled at me. She knew exactly what was going on. I was thrilled to see this. The boy was being fresh. I'm glad the teachers are aware. Makes me feel good about this teacher and the school for that matter.

Well I look forward to the kids painting the medallion next week. Then they'll get to take them home and hang up their wonderful creations. I'm so excited.

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