The great Vanilla experment

So today I(Chris)started an experiment. I have read about making your own vanilla extract and how much better it tastes than the stuff that you buy in the store. So, today I took the plunge and started soaking some vanilla beans in vodka. Thankfully I had a bottle of vodka on hand when the beans came in the mail today. I also put a bean in some sugar to make Vanilla infused sugar! Can't wait to try that. Yummy!
Here are the beautiful beans!
And here is day one of the soaking.
The unfortunate thing is that it takes 8 weeks until it is usable. But then it will last for a very long time and I can just keep topping it off with vodka and letting it soak for an unlimited amount of vanilla. And it costs a ton less than the stuff that you can buy in the store. Really pennies a bottle! Can't beat that.
How this all started was a couple of years ago we were given a big bottle of vanilla extract that came from Mexico. It was so wonderful! Such a wonderful taste and smell. It has made all of my baking even better tasting. It is unlike anything that you can buy here and I just used the last of it a couple weeks ago So after much crying about not having any more of the good stuff I started looking into making my own. I am hopeful that it will taste as good as the stuff from Mexico. From what I have read it is really really good!
I got the vanilla beans from this site.
Looking at the site there is nothing in stock but I e-mailed them and they had some packs that were not listed on the site yet. Also she told me that they will have lots more listed in a week or two! I think that they are priced great! They are a wonderful quality and she was so great to work with. Excellent customer service! I highly recommend them! I got 10 7inch beans for $8.10. So a good deal. Now I have heard that there are some good deals on ebay for vanilla beans as well. But I wanted to go with this place because looking at the site there was a lot that I liked about it.
I will keep you updated on the process! I can't wait!

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