Last Day Of School Silliness

Today was the last day of school for my girls. Now it's on to summer vacation. My 13 year old who I need to drag out of bed every morning was up way before me. She said she woke up at 6:45. This child never wakes up early. I asked what was wrong and her reply was she was just so excited. Today was the last day of school so she was officially an eighth grader. I just started laughing. It figures she would wake up on time on the last day of school.

They always have a mass on the last day of school and then we get to pick them up from their classrooms. When I arrived to get my 9 year old she had to hug all her friends like she would never see them again. Meanwhile we have a play date tomorrow with 2 of them. Seriously funny. The same goes for the older one. I got to her class and all the kids were hugging each other and some of them were crying. I personally never cried on the last day of school ever. I was always happy to be done for the summer. I think they are as well they're just at that over dramatic age. They cry over everything.

I headed home with my girls and 2 more 13 year olds. Yes I am crazy. Another one came a little while after. I got them some pizza and they watched a couple movies and just got really silly. They were making up silly dances and just screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason and texting their friends who couldn't come. They all had a really great time and when their parents came they all hugged each other goodbye even though they are all getting together tomorrow night. I'm telling you girls are just so silly.

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