Crazy Winter Wind Storm

Well I guess you realized I had no post yesterday and I didn't do any drops. I'm sorry about that, but it was totally out of my control. We lost power and Internet on Thursday night around 11:00pm. That's when two very large trees decided to fall onto the power lined on the main street that my street is off of. We heard the crazy wind all night and honestly it was like nothing we had ever heard before. When we woke my husband wondered if the kids had school. Well the only access we had was with our cell phones so I called my mother and she said there is no school any where except the town where my kids go to school. It figured. I should mention that they go to school in a different town then we live in. The city we live in had no school with good reason.

I got the girls up and told them to get ready. We are very lucky to have a generator so some of our items were working. Our mailbox was in the middle of the road so my husband went out to fix it. That's when our neighbor across the street told us there was no way out. Our street was completely blocked in and there were power lines everywhere. It was a mess. One of the trees was a massive pine tree that got totally uprooted. So we were trapped. I called the kids school and told them we couldn't get there. They said no problem we weren't the only ones. My husband was trapped as well and he needs the Internet for his work so it was quite a problem. He needed to get to work. Well about 1:30 in the afternoon he was finally able to get out. There was no point taking the girls to school as the day was over so that was that.

They worked on those trees and power lines until they got them working around 11:30pm which really wasn't bad considering there are so many others who will be out of power for days. We were one of the lucky ones. They really weren't predicting this storm to be so devastating. It's just the winds became hurricane winds. It was scary. I'm glad it's over and we're up and running. I hope that they get others in the area up as quickly as possible. Many of my relatives are still without power and have had to relocate because they have kids. It's such a pain put luckily no one was hurt. That's the most important thing.

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