Make It or Break It Okay For Tweens?

Make It or Break It is one of those shows that I have allowed my tween who is almost 13 to watch. I remain a little on the fence with it, but I watch it with her and I if things start to go south the show goes off.

The show is basically about a group of girls training for the US Olympic gymnastic team. They compete with each other and themselves. These girls are under so much pressure from their coaches, parents, their team and themselves. These are young girls going through adolescence and trying to be world class athletes. They go through the same challenges as other kids their age with the addend pressure of competing. I've never been one for competition, but I do think this show has shown some realistic images of what life can be like for these girls. One comes from a poor family while others are filthy rich. Boys are a no no and so are parties. They also showed one of the girls get seriously injured while competing. Her gymnastic days are over.

If you have an older tween or teen interested in this show give it a try. I do suggest you keep an eye on it though. You never know when they'll go too far. They have up to this point shown underage drinking and have talked about someone have teen sex, but they didn't show it. Thank God. It did open up some dialog with my daughter on these subjects.

I think its a good show with good lessons to teach girls. I only hope they will stay on this path and not go too far because my daughter really likes it.

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