More off the top

Wow! I didn't expect to get such a reaction from the Dragon naturally speaking software. So I thought I'd write up a little extra clip using the software. And in fact I'm actually recording the audio so you can see how the software works along with hearing the audio speed.

What's really cools I'm going to try and read a little bit of art journal excerpt from arch rip so that you can get an idea of how this thing actually works. A couple things I do want to say the software we picked up at target. And it actually comes with a headset microphone system that you can use. And basically all I had to do was read for about five minutes and then it started working just like it is right now.

Now you can see I'm adding in the punctuation marks with my voice. And you'll be able to hear that in the audio as well.

So anyhow I want to read a little clip from our journal that I thought was kind interesting and just give you an idea of how this all works together.

This is in regards actually to the story where Kristy and I climbed up this hill in Zion national Park and someone fell at the top of the same trail that we were hiking. So this is a portion of that story.

Toward the end of the trail we were kind of doing this speed walk. I remembered one kid with a tie dye shirt and a half and I specifically said hi to him. Later as we were getting back from going into Springdale, I see the kid there at the visitor center. I said... hey how did it go? Did you make it to the top? He said yeah I made it. I asked how was it? Did you have to hold on? He said going up no. But after the man fell, I had to grab onto the chain.

I said wow will good job! Not even realizing the man he was talking about was a real person. I had thought it was his dad or one of his teachers telling him some story about a person falling off so he got freaked out when he had the whole law. But no, he was actually telling me the true story and I didn't even realize it.

And so you can see how the software works its fairly fast. It's keeping up with me pretty good. And you can see pretty much else all worked out as I've gone along speaking to you. Know what I did was IE actually spoke this into the where the notepad software. And then I'm just going to copy and paste it into the blogger writing screen. Anyhow catch you soon. Bye-bye commission .


P.S. - here is the audio file. You should be able to click this link, and it will open up inside your computers default audio player. Probably Windows Media. All I ask is that you don't click, and click, and click this link - PLEASE! If you want to hear it - please listen and save it to your computer. Otherwise you'll be using up my bandwidth ... I know picky ... picky ... right? Just asking - thank you!

Audio File from Transcript

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