The chicken coop connection

As many of you know, I've had a pretty successful chicken coop website for several years. You can find out more about it at...

Anyhow, when we were in St. Louis, we dropped into President Grant's old homestead. Amazingly, his wife kept chickens there. And the national park service has kept the chicken coop as an example of how they lived back in those days, during the middle of the 19th century, before the Civil War.

Here's a few shots, from our visit, that really portrays some of the major considerations a chicken owner might face:

Here's an example of a raised nest box. Nest boxes are super important for your hens to be happy and able to lay their eggs.

Here's an exit door for the chickens to be able to leave the coop and roam (or 'free range') around the yard during the day.

This is an egg basket, similar to what they would have used back then. Ironically these baskets are still used today to collect eggs.

This is mostly just a personal update for anyone interested in the stuff I am doing on the side. I can, of course, use this information on the website to add a little more interest and historical relevancy to what I'm doing.


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