Grand Canyon... How does that wet your pants, Dad?

We left Zion, regretfully, and made the fairly short trek down to Grand Canyon. On the way down we dropped into the Kaibab National Forest vistors center and talked to a great ranger who used to be stationed in Coos Bay, Oregon. He was super nice, and gave us some more great ideas for our stay in the Santa Fe area.

After that we drove on down and pulled into the North Rim Grand Canyon campground in the early afternoon.

After visiting the grand canyon of Yellowstone park, I was a little leary of checking out the 'real' Grand Canyon. I recently realized, I have an absolute fear of heights - not really for myself necessarily - but having the girls around when they think nothing can happen to them, thinking they're invincible. It scares the 'you know what' right out of me every time I see them standing close to the edge.

We've developed a new saying...

'How does that wet your pants?'

The girls say that to me now every time we get on top of a super high cliff or ledge. It's appropriate!

Here's an example. Notice my back leg here, as I'm looking over the edge at the Grand Canyon northside. YOWSA!

Just a quickie to post something up. I'll add more soon.


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