Low Key New Year's Eve
I've never been really big on the whole New Years Eve thing. Going to first night in Boston has always sounded great, but when I stopped to think about it there is no way I want to walk around in the freezing cold with drunken fools. I much prefer staying in my house and ordering Chinese and watching a movie with my honey.
This year I am doing just that. Of course it doesn't help that my oldest daughter has a nasty cold and I think it's just better to stay in. We were invited to a friends house kids included and it was tempting, but I just don't want to drive home after midnight with all the other nuts out there. So we are just going to stay in have some take out which I already had to order and relax. After the busy Christmas we had it feels good to not be going anywhere. My husband is picking up some Champagne as well for us to enjoy. The only problem is I hope I make it to midnight. The last few years I haven't. What can I say I like my sleep. It will become 2010 whether I'm awake or not.
I hope everyone has a very safe and fun New Year's Eve. Please be careful if you go to a party or event. Use common sense. If you're not okay to drive find someone who is. Also be aware that even if you use common sense there's many others out there who aren't. It's just a dangerous night on the road. Please be careful.
I thought I would let you all know of another way that I am making the most of our money. Mail in rebates! Just in the last couple weeks I have gotten back 5 rebates. And those total $44.99!
And to top it off, for most of them, the out of pocket was far less than what I got back in rebates. I still have several others that I am still waiting to get back and I just sent in 2 more yesterday.
And the Olay cleansers I got yesterday are part of a mail in rebate as well. They are on sale this week at Walgreens for 20%off. So they were 5.83 each and I had 2 $3.00 off one coupons. So I paid $5.66 for both of them and I will be submitting the recipt for a $15.00 dollars back from Olay for purchasing both at one time! Oh and I technically did not pay anything out of pocket for them because I used Walgreens Register Rewards to pay for them. So really nothing out of pocket to get a $15.00 check in the mail! And free face wash! The Ivory bar soap was free after a coupon at CVS this week. It is on sale for .99 and I had a 1.00 off coupon from last weeks Sunday paper.
I know that you may be thinking that it is not much to get a $5.00 check in the mail. But if you are already going to buy the product or you can get it for free why not do the rebate. You can put that money back into your grocery budget or set it aside and save it for something special. Or even cash it and use it right away for a coffee treat! It really will add up if you just keep sending them in! And it is so awesome to get the checks in the mail!
So, always be on the look out for rebates and make sure to follow through and send them out!
And to top it off, for most of them, the out of pocket was far less than what I got back in rebates. I still have several others that I am still waiting to get back and I just sent in 2 more yesterday.
And the Olay cleansers I got yesterday are part of a mail in rebate as well. They are on sale this week at Walgreens for 20%off. So they were 5.83 each and I had 2 $3.00 off one coupons. So I paid $5.66 for both of them and I will be submitting the recipt for a $15.00 dollars back from Olay for purchasing both at one time! Oh and I technically did not pay anything out of pocket for them because I used Walgreens Register Rewards to pay for them. So really nothing out of pocket to get a $15.00 check in the mail! And free face wash! The Ivory bar soap was free after a coupon at CVS this week. It is on sale for .99 and I had a 1.00 off coupon from last weeks Sunday paper.
I know that you may be thinking that it is not much to get a $5.00 check in the mail. But if you are already going to buy the product or you can get it for free why not do the rebate. You can put that money back into your grocery budget or set it aside and save it for something special. Or even cash it and use it right away for a coffee treat! It really will add up if you just keep sending them in! And it is so awesome to get the checks in the mail!
So, always be on the look out for rebates and make sure to follow through and send them out!
Sherlock Holmes a Winner
Last night my husband and I decided we would take the 12 year old to the movies. The 8 year old had a play date so that meant we could go see Avatar or Sherlock Holmes. My 8 year old didn't want to see either and I'm not sure she's really old enough for either. They are both rated PG-13. She just isn't ready for those types of movies yet. Anyway we had the opportunity so we check the times on Fandango.
We really wanted to see Avatar in imax as the theater near our house just got this. Unfortunately the time that coincided with the play date was all sold out. It's a 3 hour movie so the other times wouldn't work either. No big deal. We wanted to see Sherlock Holmes as well. I am a huge Robert Downey Jr. fan. I really can't wait for Iron Man 2.
Sherlock Holmes was the perfect role for Robert Downey Jr. His facial expressions crack me up. He really just delivers. I loved his interaction with Jude Law. They make a great pair and are really entertaining to watch. I have never really been a fan of detective shows or the old Sherlock Holmes books. They were never my thing, but I really enjoyed watching how he figured everything out. Really amazing.
My daughter also loved it. I heard her laughing through most of it and she had a smile on when we left. She told me she really liked it. Of course I think she also liked going to a movie without her sister. It's nice to get mommy and daddy's attention.
I would totally recommend seeing this movie. It was really entertaining and I hope they'll make another. I would definitely go see it.
Glee on DVD Today
Yes, you heard right Glee is available on DVD today. I personally am having a Glee withdrawal. It's just not right that we have to wait until April for new episodes.
Obviously they are trying to appease us by releasing all the current episodes on DVD. This may work, but I still want new episodes. I actually wish they would do this with all TV shows. I find it very difficult waiting for new episodes, but if I could purchase half a season of a show I love to rewatch I think it would be easier to get through hiatus season. I think the whole idea of releasing half a season of a TV show is a great idea. Of course I think the price should reflect that. Some people may feel this is a waste because they'll probably release the full season sometime in August. Well some of us can't wait that long so I like this idea.
Well my daughter really wants this DVD so I'm thinking she'll get it for her birthday which is just around the corner. My girls both have birthday's very close to Christmas.
Anime and My Tween
My daughter has spent the day watching anime that she got for Christmas. I am a huge anime fan and have passed the love of it on to my tween. Of course not all anime is appropriate, but since I've seen so much of it I know what's okay.
She received Fruits Basket and His & Her Circumstances . These are both Shojo anime's meaning they were made with girls in mind. The main character of both anime's is a girl.
She simply adored Fruit Basket. This anime is about a girl who looses her mother and ends up moving in with a mysterious family that is cursed. Anytime anyone from the opposite sex hugs them they turn into an animal from the Chinese zodiac. It is very funny and touching all at the same time. My daughter basically devoured it and wanted to know if there was another season. Sadly I had to tell her no, but it's based on a manga that will tell the whole story.
Now she just started His and Her Circumstances so I'm not sure what she thinks, but so far I've heard her laugh quite a bit. This story is about a girl who goes out of her way to be perfect and pretend to be someone she isn't so people will like her. This works out fine until another student shows up at school and he is just as smart and likable. She begins to compete with him only to find out she is falling in love with him. It's a very sweet story about growing up.
I'm glad I've been able to share the love of anime with my daughter and I hope she continues to enjoy it as much as I do. You don't have to be a child to enjoy anime. I don't think I'll ever get sick of watching it.
Feeling Under the Weather
Yeah, well this is so typical. I've been running around with my head cut off for about 2 weeks and now that I can slow it down and relax a little I have a head cold. My head literary feels like it's going to explode. My oldest isn't feeling all that well either. I think we both caught the same cold. What a way to ruin vacation week.
The only thing I can do is rest and drink lots of fluids and I guess be happy we really didn't have any plans for the break. It's just a bummer. I was really looking forward to having a really great vacation with the girls. I'm sure we'll have some fun, but it's just not as enjoyable when I'm not feeling my best. I'm not sure I'll be able to tolerate The Chipmunk's movie with a headache. We'll have to see about that. My youngest really wants to go and normally I wouldn't mind taking her. That may have to happen later in the week. I'll just will myself better. It's not like I have time to be sick.
Surviving High School App for Tweens
Well my daughter has been waiting for Christmas to arrive with the hopes that Santa would bring her an itunes gift card. Well Santa delivered. She quickly entered the code and downloaded a game she had been playing, but only in the lite version which basically just gives you a taste of the game. If you want to play the full game you need to purchase it. This works really well for her because she can try out a game first before spending any money on it. Well she had been playing the lite version of Surviving High Schhol and really wanted the full version
She has it now and loves it. This game let's you choose who you'll be in high school. You can choose if you'll be a jock or popular or goth. You can choose who you'll hang out with and then face the results of your choice. She's been having fun with this one and I guess her friends have as well. I find that they all download similar apps and talk about them nonstop.
It does sound like fun and I may have to see if she'll let me have a try. Well that's her favorite app right now. Who knows next week she may find another one to grab her interest. They're are so many apps to explore out there and they're so addictive.
Merry Christmas 2009
I wish everyone a very safe and merry Christmas day. I know it's almost over, but I wanted to make sure I sent out my holiday wishes to everyone. It's been a busy day.
The girls woke up around 8:15. Santa leaves their stockings on their doors so it keeps them busy so we can sleep in a little. We ask for 8:00 and they usually comply. My youngest was up first of course and she was sitting outside my door when I opened it. She was so excited.
We headed down and they opened their presents. They loved everything and we had to start opening things up right away. Why do they make it so hard to get toys out of the boxes? My fingers are killing me. What a mess. It was a good mess though. We sat for a little bit before it was time to start cooking.
There was a lot to do and I was worried about the timing, but everything was great in the end. We of course had too much food and way too many desserts. Can anyone say left overs? Oh well I have no intention of cooking tomorrow. Actually I have no intention of doing anything tomorrow.
I find myself sitting here smiling remembering the wonderful day I just had with my family. We had wonderful food and wonderful company. We enjoyed each other and isn't that what it's all about? I hope everyone out there had a great day as well. Now it's time to clean up and get some sleep.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve the most magical night of the year is here. As I've stated I love Christmas time. I love the energy the kids have and giving presents. I love giving presents to people and seeing the look on their faces. It's the most wonderful feeling. Besides what other night could you catch a guy riding around in a flying sleigh.
Today we'll be busy cleaning up because Christmas dinner is at my house. We will also make yummy Christmas cookies for Santa. Busy day.
Tonight especially is amazing. We head off the mass around 3:30. My youngest daughter has been asked to be Mary in the Nativity they have right before mass and I am so excited. She is ecstatic. I think it will make a very special memory for her. It's an honor to play Mary. So thanks to my friend for asking. It means a lot.
After mass we will head to my mothers for a delicious fish dinner (spaghetti for my youngest). I just love Christmas eve. We will get home and usher the girls to bed as soon as possible. They never fight me on Christmas Eve because they know Santa doesn't come till they're fast asleep. Yes, then I will have 5 minutes with my husband before we collapse into bed for the early morning wake up. It really doesn't matter how old they are. They always get up early on Christmas morning. I don't mind though. I did the same thing at their age.
I wish everyone out there a safe and magical night.
Last Day of School Before Christmas
Yes, finally the kids are done with school till the 4th of January. My thinking is that it's one less thing I have to deal with and they need a break from school. I need a break from all the homework. When Christmas break arrives it's at the right time for everyone. We've been rushing around doing every Christmas activity imaginable and the kids are just spend and let's be real so am I. The day after Christmas you'll find me stretched out on my couch in my pajamas for the whole day. Thank you vacation.
My girls had a Christmas nativity show that they take part in at the school yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I love Christmas music and the kids all look so cute and excited. Well except for the middle school. They look limp and uninterested. I know it's the age, but still they could give it a try. My 12 year old is in 7th grade and they had to sing We Three Kings. They were hard to hear and I know they couldn't wait to go sit back down. They survived though and my daughter appeared to do her part. She looked cute and all grown up. When I picked her up she told me her friend next to her was lip syncing. Her father knew it too. He thought it was the best lip syncing he'd ever seen. Oh well. Now my younger daughter is in third grade and they sang Do You Hear What I hear and they rocked it. They really sang their little hearts out. It's sad that the older ones just aren't as interested. It's just not a cool thing to do at their age. Personally I think they should give them livelier songs to sing. All in all I loved the show. I am thrilled that they are now done with school till the new year.
My girls had a Christmas nativity show that they take part in at the school yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I love Christmas music and the kids all look so cute and excited. Well except for the middle school. They look limp and uninterested. I know it's the age, but still they could give it a try. My 12 year old is in 7th grade and they had to sing We Three Kings. They were hard to hear and I know they couldn't wait to go sit back down. They survived though and my daughter appeared to do her part. She looked cute and all grown up. When I picked her up she told me her friend next to her was lip syncing. Her father knew it too. He thought it was the best lip syncing he'd ever seen. Oh well. Now my younger daughter is in third grade and they sang Do You Hear What I hear and they rocked it. They really sang their little hearts out. It's sad that the older ones just aren't as interested. It's just not a cool thing to do at their age. Personally I think they should give them livelier songs to sing. All in all I loved the show. I am thrilled that they are now done with school till the new year.
Since I did not have a photo to go with yesterdays post, I thought I would post todays savings! I went to publix today and I did not have a ton to get but we needed bread and I had a few money making coupons to use that were going to expire in the next couple days so I thought I would get a few things.
For these groceries it would have cost $66.48 and I only paid $8.46 for it!
Here is all I got!
The money making coupons that I got were for the Sundown Vitamin D. They were 2.99 each and I used a store coupon for $6.00 off of 2 and a Manufactures coupon for $3.00 off of 2. So that was a 3 dollar overage.
And then the Rachel Ray Magazine was the other. It was 3.99 and I used a store coupon for $3.75 off the Magazine if I bought 2 Sorento cheeses. And a manufactures coupons for exactly the same. So that made for a $3.51 overage! And for the Sorento cheese that I had to buy to use those coupons, They were on sale for 2.50 each and I used a store coupon for $1.00 off 1 and a manufactures coupon for $1.00 off 1. So for 2Lbs of mozzarella cheese for $1.00!
The Ritz crackers and the wheat thin crackers will finish out what I needed for a $10.00 mail in rebate. And for all that I needed for that I spent well under the 10.00. SO that is a money maker too!
Here is a list of all that I got...
2- 1 gallon of Iced tea, Al's favorite!
1- Box Wheat Thin crackers
1- box of triscuts
2- Boxes Ritz crackers
1- Infusium shampoo
1- Infusium Conditioner
2- Loaves of Wheat bread
2- Yakisoba noodles
2- packs of Pillsbury crescent rolls
2- 8oz packages of Kraft shredded cheese
1- Rachel Ray Magazine
2- 1lb Sorrento Mozzarella cheese
2- 100 count Vitamin D caps
That is 21 items for only $8.46!!
Thanks for letting me share,
For these groceries it would have cost $66.48 and I only paid $8.46 for it!
Here is all I got!
The money making coupons that I got were for the Sundown Vitamin D. They were 2.99 each and I used a store coupon for $6.00 off of 2 and a Manufactures coupon for $3.00 off of 2. So that was a 3 dollar overage.
And then the Rachel Ray Magazine was the other. It was 3.99 and I used a store coupon for $3.75 off the Magazine if I bought 2 Sorento cheeses. And a manufactures coupons for exactly the same. So that made for a $3.51 overage! And for the Sorento cheese that I had to buy to use those coupons, They were on sale for 2.50 each and I used a store coupon for $1.00 off 1 and a manufactures coupon for $1.00 off 1. So for 2Lbs of mozzarella cheese for $1.00!
The Ritz crackers and the wheat thin crackers will finish out what I needed for a $10.00 mail in rebate. And for all that I needed for that I spent well under the 10.00. SO that is a money maker too!
Here is a list of all that I got...
2- 1 gallon of Iced tea, Al's favorite!
1- Box Wheat Thin crackers
1- box of triscuts
2- Boxes Ritz crackers
1- Infusium shampoo
1- Infusium Conditioner
2- Loaves of Wheat bread
2- Yakisoba noodles
2- packs of Pillsbury crescent rolls
2- 8oz packages of Kraft shredded cheese
1- Rachel Ray Magazine
2- 1lb Sorrento Mozzarella cheese
2- 100 count Vitamin D caps
That is 21 items for only $8.46!!
Thanks for letting me share,
My Girls Favorite Christmas Specials
Who doesn't love Christmas specials? Ever since I was little I have always loved watching the Christmas specials. My parents would let me stay up late and watch them. My bedtime was 8:00 and that's usually when they were on. I loved them all, but I think my favorite was always Santa Claus Is Comin to Town. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Why isn't it Rudolph ? Well it's a close second along with The Year Without a Santa Claus . I think I just really loved watching Santa meet Mrs. Claus. Yes, it's true I was a hopeless romantic at the age of 4.
Well now it's so easy to watch these specials because they have them on DVD and well there is the wonderful DVR so I never had to keep them up past their bedtimes. I think we own almost all of them and they do watch them at various times throughout the year.
Now my 12 year old's favorite Special is Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I think she likes the penguin and well the romantic aspects like me.
My 8 year old like Rudolph the best. Now I think if you ask kids as a whole this will be the winner. Who doesn't love the song let alone the movie.
So which one is your favorite?
More deals!
It has been a while since I posted any deals. But no worries there have been lots more that I have gotten. So I thought that I would share one today that all can do!
Target has a couple of things on sale this week. Pepsi product 12 packs are on sale for 4 for $11.00. And Swiss Miss hot chocolate 10 pk box is on sale for .97. The Hot chocolate was marked 1.52 at my store so I scanned it at one of the price check scanners and confirmed that is was on sale for .97 cents.
Now before you just head out to the store, go to the Target website and on the home page scroll down to the bottom and click on the link for Grocery coupons. There you will find lots of coupons but the ones you are looking for are the ones for the 2 products listed above. There is a 1.00 off Pepsi products 12 pack and a 1.00 off Swiss Miss hot cocoa. So with the sales and the coupons the hot cocoa will be free!! and the Pepsi 12 packs will be 1.75 each!!
You can print each of these coupons 2 times. I printed 2 from both our laptop, desk top and Al printed our 2 more from his work. So I was able to get 6 boxes of hot Chocolate for free!! And 6 12 packs of Pepsi ( 3 Pepsi and 3 Mt. Dew) for $10.50. That is .14 cents a can!! And I was able to get enough to last us a very long time!
And now we have free Hot Chocolate for the 2 cold days a year here in Florida!
So go out and get yourself some great deals!!
Merry Christmas!
Target has a couple of things on sale this week. Pepsi product 12 packs are on sale for 4 for $11.00. And Swiss Miss hot chocolate 10 pk box is on sale for .97. The Hot chocolate was marked 1.52 at my store so I scanned it at one of the price check scanners and confirmed that is was on sale for .97 cents.
Now before you just head out to the store, go to the Target website and on the home page scroll down to the bottom and click on the link for Grocery coupons. There you will find lots of coupons but the ones you are looking for are the ones for the 2 products listed above. There is a 1.00 off Pepsi products 12 pack and a 1.00 off Swiss Miss hot cocoa. So with the sales and the coupons the hot cocoa will be free!! and the Pepsi 12 packs will be 1.75 each!!
You can print each of these coupons 2 times. I printed 2 from both our laptop, desk top and Al printed our 2 more from his work. So I was able to get 6 boxes of hot Chocolate for free!! And 6 12 packs of Pepsi ( 3 Pepsi and 3 Mt. Dew) for $10.50. That is .14 cents a can!! And I was able to get enough to last us a very long time!
And now we have free Hot Chocolate for the 2 cold days a year here in Florida!
So go out and get yourself some great deals!!
Merry Christmas!
Holiday Dog
Today I brought my dog, Penny, to the groomers to be all prettied up for Christmas. Penny hates going in the car and really hates to be away from me. She's a miniature Dachshund who basically spends her day following me around and sleeping. She looked so sad when I handed her off to the groomer and had the nerve to leave.
When I came to get her she practically jumped into my arms. She looked adorable and they gave her a festive kerchief to wear. This is the only clothing I put on her because she doesn't like clothing, but she doesn't seem to mind kerchiefs.
When my girls got home to school they couldn't wait to see her. They told me I should post a picture on my blog so here is my baby. She is all ready for Christmas. Don't you think she's cute?
I'm Exhausted and the Holidays Aren't Even Here Yet
Okay it has been a very long week. My youngest daughter had her Holiday Dance show which took up two evenings if you include the dress rehearsal on Thursday night. After the dance show I had a holiday party to attend which I enjoyed very much, but had to leave early because my older daughter and I were volunteering on the Polar Express. The Polar Express was exhausting. Some of the moms do it every year and I honestly don't know how they do it. Today my mother-in-law and sister-in-law came to have a nice early holiday dinner with us. We always do Christmas a little early with them.
They just left a little while ago. We had a very nice after noon and the girls are excited about their gifts, but I'm exhausted. I cooked a big dinner and cleaned up the whole kitchen. Luckily my husband helped and the girls or I don't know how it would have gotten done. The dinner was really good and luckily there are leftovers which should make the week easier. I was worried about these au gratin potatoes I was making for the first time, but thankfully they were a big hit. A few people had seconds so that was a relief. I really don't like trying out recipes on company, but luckily it worked out.
This week looks to be even busier. The girls have things going on a school that I need to attend and well then there is Christmas Eve and Christmas. I love this time of year honestly I do. It's just that I end up feeling I'm being pulled in too many directions and there just isn't enough time to get everything done. Oh well there is no way around it. I'm just simply going to sleep all day on December 26th.
They just left a little while ago. We had a very nice after noon and the girls are excited about their gifts, but I'm exhausted. I cooked a big dinner and cleaned up the whole kitchen. Luckily my husband helped and the girls or I don't know how it would have gotten done. The dinner was really good and luckily there are leftovers which should make the week easier. I was worried about these au gratin potatoes I was making for the first time, but thankfully they were a big hit. A few people had seconds so that was a relief. I really don't like trying out recipes on company, but luckily it worked out.
This week looks to be even busier. The girls have things going on a school that I need to attend and well then there is Christmas Eve and Christmas. I love this time of year honestly I do. It's just that I end up feeling I'm being pulled in too many directions and there just isn't enough time to get everything done. Oh well there is no way around it. I'm just simply going to sleep all day on December 26th.
Take a Ride on the Polar Express
Every year my children's school holds a Polar Express fund raiser. They rent a train for most of the day and have 4 rides. On these rides passengers are treated to hot coco, a cookie and visits from some special guests. They take about a 30 minute train ride that we tell them goes to the North Pole just like the real Polar Express. Then its another 30 minutes back. The train is set up just like the book The Polar Express and the movie. There's a conductor and servers and they have a reader who reads the Polar Express dressed in their pj's. In fact we encourage all the passengers to wear their pj's. Most of the children do as well as a few adults. everyone really tries to get into the spirit.
The kids are treated with visits from Santa who gives out the first gift of Christmas. Mrs. Claus, Frosty and Rudolph and many elves make an appearance as well. Each child leaves with their very own silver bell.
Today was the day that this took place. My oldest daughter wanted to be one of the elves this year so I volunteered to be a server on her train rides. We got the early shift which meant we had to be there from about 11:00am until 2:30pm. It was crazy. There were so many people and little kids. The children were so excited about everything and people really seemed to have a great time. They just loved when we arrived at the North Pole and all the visitors started coming through the train. They even had letters ready to give to Santa's elves. There weren't any complaints. Though there were some sleeping children as they headed out. My daughter made an adorable elf and she had a great time with all her friends.
I'm completely exhausted. I really just want to go to sleep, but I need to clean my house as we have company coming tomorrow. The holiday season can be so busy.
Holiday Dance Show
Whenever my girls have to perform or participate in an activity where others are watching them I always worry that something will go wrong and they'll get upset. I mean what if they're doing a dance routine and everyone is going right, but they're going left. Yes, I realize it's not the end of the world, but to a child who is on stage performing it seems like it. I get this pit in my stomach and I sit on the edge of my seat until she steps off the stage. Actually, I have this feeling till I collect them from backstage. If they have a smile on their face everything is as it should be. I really just want them to have a good time. That's what dance is all about. If they run to me crying well, let's just say it's never a good thing.
Tonight my daughter had a holiday dance show. She was doing a jazz routine and would also take part in the opening number. She was so excited about the last part as she had never done that. I was thinking great one more thing for me to worry about. Honestly, though I don't know why I worry. I guess it's a crazy mom thing.
Well the music started for the opening number and the dancers came out one after another and bam she nailed it and I could see her face light up the stage. Next I was treated to a great show while I waited for her to come out for her routine. Now I actually had real concerns for this one because there was an issue with the costume the night of the dress rehearsal. Part of the costume was driving my daughter crazy and instead of concentrating on the dance she kept fiddling with it. I was hoping they had fixed it. There was nothing I could do about the item that was causing the issue because it had to be pinned on and she started the show in a different costume and moms aren't allowed back stage. When she came out on stage for her number I immeadiatly let out a sigh of relief. They deep sixed the annoying garment and what a difference it made. The girls and one very talented little boy did awesome and most importantly they all looked like they had a great time.
When I retrieved her after the show I was treated to a fabulous smile and hug and none stop talking about the show. Another great night and once again there was nothing for me to worry about. Though truth be told I don't think I'll ever stop. They'll always be my little girls.
Tonight my daughter had a holiday dance show. She was doing a jazz routine and would also take part in the opening number. She was so excited about the last part as she had never done that. I was thinking great one more thing for me to worry about. Honestly, though I don't know why I worry. I guess it's a crazy mom thing.
Well the music started for the opening number and the dancers came out one after another and bam she nailed it and I could see her face light up the stage. Next I was treated to a great show while I waited for her to come out for her routine. Now I actually had real concerns for this one because there was an issue with the costume the night of the dress rehearsal. Part of the costume was driving my daughter crazy and instead of concentrating on the dance she kept fiddling with it. I was hoping they had fixed it. There was nothing I could do about the item that was causing the issue because it had to be pinned on and she started the show in a different costume and moms aren't allowed back stage. When she came out on stage for her number I immeadiatly let out a sigh of relief. They deep sixed the annoying garment and what a difference it made. The girls and one very talented little boy did awesome and most importantly they all looked like they had a great time.
When I retrieved her after the show I was treated to a fabulous smile and hug and none stop talking about the show. Another great night and once again there was nothing for me to worry about. Though truth be told I don't think I'll ever stop. They'll always be my little girls.
God Bless Dance Teachers
Just got home from my daughters dress rehearsal for a holiday dance show she has tomorrow night. These kids are already so excited for Christmas coming and to get them to pay attention and listen to the instructions takes the patience of saints.
I was what they call a wrangler. Basically I sat with my daughter's class and made sure they didn't go anywhere. Not too difficult, but someone always has a question or wanders away to get closer to the stage to see the older kids perform. When it's time for them to go on stage I have to line them all up and make sure they have everything. Then there was the changing of costumes and the getting everything back together to go home. I really hope no one forgot anything. I checked twice, but you never know.
I'm home now, but there were still many more acts to go on after my daughters class was done and all those dance teachers were still there trying to talk over the giggling girls. I know a few of them won't have voices tomorrow. Even with the microphones they still had to yell. Well I wish them a quick end to the night, but I know that's not going to happen when they have each group redo their routines 2 or 3 times. It's crazy, but they just keep on trucking with smiles on their faces. I know I wouldn't be able to keep smiling so God bless dance teachers for giving time, patience and love to my daughter and all the other little dancers out there. They really do have a special gift.
I was what they call a wrangler. Basically I sat with my daughter's class and made sure they didn't go anywhere. Not too difficult, but someone always has a question or wanders away to get closer to the stage to see the older kids perform. When it's time for them to go on stage I have to line them all up and make sure they have everything. Then there was the changing of costumes and the getting everything back together to go home. I really hope no one forgot anything. I checked twice, but you never know.
I'm home now, but there were still many more acts to go on after my daughters class was done and all those dance teachers were still there trying to talk over the giggling girls. I know a few of them won't have voices tomorrow. Even with the microphones they still had to yell. Well I wish them a quick end to the night, but I know that's not going to happen when they have each group redo their routines 2 or 3 times. It's crazy, but they just keep on trucking with smiles on their faces. I know I wouldn't be able to keep smiling so God bless dance teachers for giving time, patience and love to my daughter and all the other little dancers out there. They really do have a special gift.
Crazy Third Graders
Today was a special day for my daughters 3rd grade class. Each year the 3rd grade class at my daughters school buys presents for children at a local after school program that maybe don't get as many Christmas presents as they do. They are each given a name along with the age of a child. My daughter got a 10 year old girl. The price limit was $20.00. I had my daughter use her own money and pick out the gift she thought the girl would like. She loved doing this. She picked out a Harumika kit and a make-up kit from Justice. These were things she would like herself and they were things I thought a 10 year old would like. Of course we could only hope this was the case because we knew nothing about the little girl. We just hope she'll really like them.
The moms were invited into the school today to help them wrap the presents. We were asked to send in wrapping paper, tape and bows. This was such a good time. The kids had a blast wrapping all the presents. Most of them wanted to do it all themselves with just a little help from us. When they had them wrapped they attached a colorful bow and these great Christmas cards that they created for the kids. I think the cards were the best part. You could tell they really worked hard on them.
When the wrapping was done they were given these puzzles to color and had a snack. I wished the teacher good luck when I left because these kids were all hyped up. She told me she thought the rest of the day would be a wash. It pretty much was because I returned to the school later to help with art class. They were so wired. You can definitely feel Christmas coming. It's always fun to see the kids so excited. This is such a fun time of year.
The moms were invited into the school today to help them wrap the presents. We were asked to send in wrapping paper, tape and bows. This was such a good time. The kids had a blast wrapping all the presents. Most of them wanted to do it all themselves with just a little help from us. When they had them wrapped they attached a colorful bow and these great Christmas cards that they created for the kids. I think the cards were the best part. You could tell they really worked hard on them.
When the wrapping was done they were given these puzzles to color and had a snack. I wished the teacher good luck when I left because these kids were all hyped up. She told me she thought the rest of the day would be a wash. It pretty much was because I returned to the school later to help with art class. They were so wired. You can definitely feel Christmas coming. It's always fun to see the kids so excited. This is such a fun time of year.
Play Auditions For Alice in Wonderland
Today was the day that drama club started for my 12 year old. They are doing Alice in Wonderland this year. I find that very crazy considering she is now obsessed with the Alice movie that just aired on the SyFy Channel. Apparently Alice is haunting us.
Anyway she had to audition for a part today. Of course all the big parts always go to the 8th graders, but she's still hoping for a good part. She even had to sing. The teacher who runs it told her she did awesome so she came out on cloud nine. That's always a good thing. I really love it when she comes out with a smile on her face and today she totally did. I just hope she gets a part she'll like.
She wants me to get a hold of the old Alice in Wonderland movie so she can get acquainted The funny thing is I think I own every other Disney movie. Oh well Alice is really big right now. There's also the Johnny Depp Alice in Wonderland coming out in February. I have a feeling I'll be going to see that as well.
Alice a Hit With My Tween and Her Friends
As I mentioned last week there was a new mini series on the SyFy Channel entitled Alice. Basically a different look at the story of Alice. A very different look than the Disney version I saw as a child and to be completely honest I haven't had time to sit and watch it though I will at some point. I caught a few minutes only.
My 12 year old however went to a sleepover on Saturday and they watched all 4 hours of the mini series. They loved it. They fell in love with the Mad Hatter who was played by Andrew Lee Potter. Apparently there is a romance between him and Alice. I know that didn't happen in the Disney version. They love him more than Edward and Jacob from Twilight. That I can't believe, but hey he must be the flavor of the week. He is cute. I guess the chemistry between him and Alice was very well done. When my daughter came home from school today she said they were starting a fan club for him. I thought that was so cute. They're really serious about it. They even have an idea for a t shirt.
I look forward to seeing it now. I need to find the time. Someone out there needs to add more time to the day. I'm just so busy getting ready for the holidays now there is no time to sit and enjoy a good show on the TV. I guess that's why they show so many reruns this time of year.
Again I thank the brilliant people who created the DVR and on demand. It makes it so much easier to catch up on things I missed.
A Really Long Day
It's Sunday. I wanted to get a lot of things done today. The good news is that I pretty much got everything done I wanted to do. The bad is that it's about 10 pm and I am sitting down for the first time today. I'm totally exhausted, but happy at the same time that I got what I set out to do done.
Since it's Sunday I always get every one's clothes ready for the week. Since my girls wear uniforms they have to be ironed. It's a pain, but it must be done. I don't care if they say the clothes are wrinkle free they still look wrinkled to me and my kids don't go to school looking sloppy. So I spent some time doing all the laundry and ironing.
I went on my treadmill for about an hour because if I don't no one will do it for me. I always feel lousy when I don't work out in some way.
Before I knew it the day was coming to a quick close. I made a nice dinner which I along with my 8 year old had to wolf down as she had dance practice for the holiday show she's in. She's in the opening number this year and she's had I think 4 extra practices that have all landed on the weekend. It was pouring out so it was a pain getting there. I dropped her off only to return an hour and a half later. When I came back there was no where to park because it was almost the whole dance studio practicing. The waiting room had no room as there were coats, bags and Ugg boots everywhere. Luckily her class was one of the first to be dismissed and we made our way to the car. She was so happy. She had the best time and is so excited to be in the opening number with all the older kids. That made it all worth it even if we were both soaked.
When I got home I had to hurry her into a bath and get ready to make my chocolate truffles. I make them every Christmas and give them as gifts. It is a very long and tedious process, but one I wanted to get done today. I have to make the chocolate mixture that is the soft inside of the truffle and then let it harden for about an hour. When it hardens I have to roll it into balls. This takes forever. Sometimes the girls help me, but because I started so late they couldn't help. I finally finished and they are all in the frig and ready to be covered with another layer of chocolate tomorrow. No time left to do that tonight, but I never thought I'd get to that so I'm done for today.
I am so tired right now and my bed is looking very inviting. I'll be heading there very soon.
Since it's Sunday I always get every one's clothes ready for the week. Since my girls wear uniforms they have to be ironed. It's a pain, but it must be done. I don't care if they say the clothes are wrinkle free they still look wrinkled to me and my kids don't go to school looking sloppy. So I spent some time doing all the laundry and ironing.
I went on my treadmill for about an hour because if I don't no one will do it for me. I always feel lousy when I don't work out in some way.
Before I knew it the day was coming to a quick close. I made a nice dinner which I along with my 8 year old had to wolf down as she had dance practice for the holiday show she's in. She's in the opening number this year and she's had I think 4 extra practices that have all landed on the weekend. It was pouring out so it was a pain getting there. I dropped her off only to return an hour and a half later. When I came back there was no where to park because it was almost the whole dance studio practicing. The waiting room had no room as there were coats, bags and Ugg boots everywhere. Luckily her class was one of the first to be dismissed and we made our way to the car. She was so happy. She had the best time and is so excited to be in the opening number with all the older kids. That made it all worth it even if we were both soaked.
When I got home I had to hurry her into a bath and get ready to make my chocolate truffles. I make them every Christmas and give them as gifts. It is a very long and tedious process, but one I wanted to get done today. I have to make the chocolate mixture that is the soft inside of the truffle and then let it harden for about an hour. When it hardens I have to roll it into balls. This takes forever. Sometimes the girls help me, but because I started so late they couldn't help. I finally finished and they are all in the frig and ready to be covered with another layer of chocolate tomorrow. No time left to do that tonight, but I never thought I'd get to that so I'm done for today.
I am so tired right now and my bed is looking very inviting. I'll be heading there very soon.
The Princess and the Frog
Well as far as my daughter and I are concerned Disney has a winner here with The Princess and the Frog. My husband and I took them to the 10:30 am showing this morning. I have to say I'm a huge fan of early morning movies. They tend to be less crowded and it leaves the rest of the day for other things. Not to mention the fact that it's cheaper. We were lucky this morning as we had two free tickets to the movie that we received while we were in Disney World in November. It was a great deal. If you had purchased entrance into any of the Disney Parks you received one free child's movie ticket so since there was two of us we got two tickets good only till the end of December. Never the less it's expensive to see movies so when you get any kind of discount you have to take advantage. My girls both wanted to see this and to be honest so did I. I love all the princess movies.
So how was it. It was fabulous. It had everything that I have been missing lately in Disney movies. I know that 3D is the new thing, but honestly I don't enjoy them all that much. I don't care for the glasses and well I just prefer the way the old movies look. My 8 year old hates 3D movies. She completely freaks out. Needless to say I loved the animation in this movie it was colorful and real. The characters were fabulous. Tiana is a wonderful addition to the princesses. She's a hard working girl that you really route for. You want her to get her dream and it's wonderful to watch her fall in love. The prince is also very entertaining and you really see him grow up throughout the movie. The supporting cast of characters are also great. You really come to love Louis the crocodile and Ray the firefly. Oh and Tiana's friend Charlotte is hysterical.
The villain wasn't too scary though he may frighten really small children though none in our theater seemed disturbed and we had some real little ones in there. They kept him very colorful. My girls weren't bothered by him though they are 8 and 12.
My youngest loved the movie she really liked Louis and Charlotte. She thought they were hilarious. Oh and I should mention that my daughter loves frogs. In fact if you ask her what her favorite animal is she'll answer a red eyed tree frog. I have no idea why she has just always liked them. Her favorite color is green so she loved that the princess turned into a frog and then her dresses seemed to always have a shade of green in them. This princess won my daughter at the get go.
My advice go see this movie whether you have children or not it is vastly entertaining. The music is wonderful the animation refreshing and the message wonderful. You should always work hard for your dreams to come true, but never loose sight of what's important.
Christmas Shopping Done
That's it I'm done. I have just returned from the mall with my girls. It was crazy packed which I wasn't really expecting. Usually after school and dinner time it tends to quiet down. Well not today. We only got a parking spot because we were lucky enough to go down an aisle when someone was leaving. It was a great spot too so that was good.
The mall was so hot probably because it was so full. I couldn't wait to get out of there and wouldn't you know my daughter couldn't decide what she wanted to get her friend for secret Santa. Oh and not to mention when we enter a mall they want to go in all their usual stores. I understand that and I tried to accommodate, but it was hot and I was tired and hungry. I'm still hungry. I have to make dinner, but I really don't want to get off the couch where I'm typing this.
We finally were able to find what we were looking for and I can't think of any other presents I need to purchase. I don't have to go back to the mall and I don't plan to. I don't think they'll miss me though. That place was packed like sardines.
Of course this doesn't mean I'm done with Christmas stuff. I still have other things to do, but I'm done with the mall. The surprising thing is my girls wanted to leave as badly as I did. That never happens.
The mall was so hot probably because it was so full. I couldn't wait to get out of there and wouldn't you know my daughter couldn't decide what she wanted to get her friend for secret Santa. Oh and not to mention when we enter a mall they want to go in all their usual stores. I understand that and I tried to accommodate, but it was hot and I was tired and hungry. I'm still hungry. I have to make dinner, but I really don't want to get off the couch where I'm typing this.
We finally were able to find what we were looking for and I can't think of any other presents I need to purchase. I don't have to go back to the mall and I don't plan to. I don't think they'll miss me though. That place was packed like sardines.
Of course this doesn't mean I'm done with Christmas stuff. I still have other things to do, but I'm done with the mall. The surprising thing is my girls wanted to leave as badly as I did. That never happens.
No More Glee Till April
I can't believe there won't be another episode of Glee until April and neither can my daughter and her friends. They are not happy. They look forward to this show every week and so do I.
The fall finale as they called it was great. The didn't leave us hanging which I appreciated, but they did leave us wanting more. Let me give you a quick run down of what happened in the exciting fall finale.
First off Rachel tells Finn that Quinn's baby is actually Puck's baby. He was so not happy and quit the Glee club and wanted nothing to do with any of them. Also Mr. Shue is unable to go to Sectionals so he asks Emma to take over for him which causes her fiance to get angry. At sectionals the group finds out that the other two groups have stolen their numbers because Sue leaked their set list. This set things in motion for the dramatic return of Finn who comes to save the day with an awesome song choice. You Can't Always Get What You Want It was great one of the best ones all season. Oh and by the way Rachel did an amazing solo to Don't Rain On My Parade The girl really is talented. The final song they did was My Life Would Suck Without You The kids sang this for Mr. Shue when they get back from sectionals. They won by the way.
Oh I almost forgot Sue was suspended for leaking the set list and basically recking havoc on the Glee Club. Yeah justice for a change. She vowed to return and really go after them. Should be an awesome spring. Oh and the best part is Mr. Shue running to stop Emma from leaving the school. She quit when her fiance dumped her and she decided it was just too hard to look at Mr. Shue and be heartbroken. Apparently she doesn't have to worry about that because the episode ended with a kiss. Now what will happen? I have no clue but I look forward to more. I just can't believe we have to wait till April to get new episodes. It's just not right.
The Snow Day That Should Have Been
I knew it was coming honestly I did. I saw the weather last night and so did my girls. It called for snow changing over to rain When the change over would come and how much snow we would get was a mystery. It's always a mystery. It's not the weather mans fault. Things change hour to hour around here. We're used to this.
Well I woke up this morning and looked out my window and it was really snowing. I thought well the girls probably have the day off or at least a delay. Oh no there would be none of that. I checked on the Internet and they had school so I woke them and my husband early because I knew the ride would be horrible. My oldest was fit to be tied. She looked outside and looked at me like I was crazy for telling her she had school. She grumbled until she got in the car. I suspect she grumbled all the way to school. I don’t blame her. Who doesn't want a snow day? Snow days rock as my 8 year old would say. You get to hang around in your pj's and watch movies and go out and play in the snow. What's better than that?
Well a tractor trailer couldn't get up a hill near my house because the roads were not plowed well. This caused a major back up. My husband sat on that street for a good half an hour. He managed to get them to school by 9:15. That wasn't really all that bad, but he told me most of the buses hadn't even arrived at the school yet so the girls weren't marked tardy. I really didn't care if they were I was aggravated they had school at all because it didn't look like it was going to clear up anytime soon.
Around 1:00 I was volunteering at my 8 year old's art class so I headed to the school. It finally changed over to rain and honestly it just made things a sloppy mess. It was just gross. Oh and the school parking lot wasn't plowed yet. I don't know what was taking them so long. Inside the school everyone was complaining about the ride in and what a mess it was out. I told them it really wasn't getting that much better. When I came out of the art class I was thrilled to find the plows had arrived and were plowing me in. This day just keeps getting better. I quickly got to my car getting my pants soaked in the process and headed out of the parking lot. I had to return an hour later at this point we were having terenchal rain and the wind was blowing like crazy.
I'm finally at home and happy to be here out of this awful weather. It amazes me how crazy the weather can be here in New England. As I sit here and type this we are having a thunder and lightening storm. This has been one crazy day that I wish could have been spent at home. Let me rephrase that it's a day I should have spent at home.
Well I woke up this morning and looked out my window and it was really snowing. I thought well the girls probably have the day off or at least a delay. Oh no there would be none of that. I checked on the Internet and they had school so I woke them and my husband early because I knew the ride would be horrible. My oldest was fit to be tied. She looked outside and looked at me like I was crazy for telling her she had school. She grumbled until she got in the car. I suspect she grumbled all the way to school. I don’t blame her. Who doesn't want a snow day? Snow days rock as my 8 year old would say. You get to hang around in your pj's and watch movies and go out and play in the snow. What's better than that?
Well a tractor trailer couldn't get up a hill near my house because the roads were not plowed well. This caused a major back up. My husband sat on that street for a good half an hour. He managed to get them to school by 9:15. That wasn't really all that bad, but he told me most of the buses hadn't even arrived at the school yet so the girls weren't marked tardy. I really didn't care if they were I was aggravated they had school at all because it didn't look like it was going to clear up anytime soon.
Around 1:00 I was volunteering at my 8 year old's art class so I headed to the school. It finally changed over to rain and honestly it just made things a sloppy mess. It was just gross. Oh and the school parking lot wasn't plowed yet. I don't know what was taking them so long. Inside the school everyone was complaining about the ride in and what a mess it was out. I told them it really wasn't getting that much better. When I came out of the art class I was thrilled to find the plows had arrived and were plowing me in. This day just keeps getting better. I quickly got to my car getting my pants soaked in the process and headed out of the parking lot. I had to return an hour later at this point we were having terenchal rain and the wind was blowing like crazy.
I'm finally at home and happy to be here out of this awful weather. It amazes me how crazy the weather can be here in New England. As I sit here and type this we are having a thunder and lightening storm. This has been one crazy day that I wish could have been spent at home. Let me rephrase that it's a day I should have spent at home.
Interesting Money Management Ideas
Due to various financial issues, we have found ourselves living much more meagerly lately. Thankfully Chris has wholeheartedly stumbled upon the couponing idea to help us save money on our groceries.
Essentially we are out of debt, other than our house. However, we find ourselves still using credit cards all of the time for various purchases. And it always feels like we are just one step away from ... (who knows what).
Do you ever have that feeling?
I saw this article and was intrigued by a couple ideas presented in it.
Most importantly were these 2:
Both of these seem like very interesting ideas to help people move out of dependency on credit cards and banks who think of us as money instead of people anyhow.
I just thought I would share, and see what you think about the idea.
I'm not sure I'm ready to go this route yet. But it is a very intriguing way to battle back against the insanity of the current economic environment we face.
Merry Christmas!
Essentially we are out of debt, other than our house. However, we find ourselves still using credit cards all of the time for various purchases. And it always feels like we are just one step away from ... (who knows what).
Do you ever have that feeling?
I saw this article and was intrigued by a couple ideas presented in it.
Most importantly were these 2:
1. Opening ING Direct savings accounts that automatically withdraw money from your checking account into an interest bearing savings account that you can use later.
Essentially, he is proposing creating different savings accounts for different goals you have - vacations, electronic gear, new vehicles, etc - so you can slowly save up and pay for them.
2. Using prepaid credit cards - instead of traditional credit cards (which rack on fees and interest rate hikes, etc).
This idea says you will use these prepaid cards to maintain any ongoing accounts, online orders, hotel booking, etc. - instead of using traditional credit cards.
Both of these seem like very interesting ideas to help people move out of dependency on credit cards and banks who think of us as money instead of people anyhow.
I just thought I would share, and see what you think about the idea.
I'm not sure I'm ready to go this route yet. But it is a very intriguing way to battle back against the insanity of the current economic environment we face.
Merry Christmas!
Wisp a Great Product for Tweens with braces
Most tweens need braces. It's just part of growing up. You go to the dentist and then wham it's time to visit the orthodontist. This was not a surprise. Honestly, I knew my daughter would need braces and she wanted them badly. When I was taking pictures she would try to hide her teeth. I felt so bad. She had prefect baby teeth, but when the new ones grew in they grew out a little too far. It's normal for that to happen and can be fixed very quickly by braces. In fact she's had her braces for almost a year and you can really see the difference.
One of the great things I've discovered in this whole process is this great product Wisp that Colgate put out there. It's a tiny toothbrush that already has a dab of toothpaste on it and no rinsing is required. It's so great for her to take to school to brush her teeth quickly after lunch. It's a pain for her to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste. Food is always getting stuck in the braces. When I pick her up after school for her tightening she can quickly brush them in the car. They are truly a great invention. They come in 3 flavors peppermint, spearmint and cinnamint. My daughters favorite flavor is cinnamint.
I love anything that makes my life easier and this definitely does so thanks Colgate. Of course I always wonder why didn't I think of that?
Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation a Hit
Well we sat down and watched Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation and all I can say is it was a huge hit. Everyone loved it. It had everything you would want in a Christmas special.
Basically Phineas and Ferb want to thank Santa for all the things he's done so they build him a rest stop. However, things get turned around when Dr. Doofenshmirtz decides that he doesn't like Christmas and everyone in town gets put on Santa's naughty list. Phineas and ferb take matters into their own hands and sing a song on a local radio station that gets Santa's elves attention. They come to get to the bottom of things, but it's too late to have Santa deliver presents so Phineas and Ferb and the whole gang have to take over for Santa in their town. In the end they find out that Santa knew the whole time and was just trying to make Phineas's Christmas wish come true. Apparently Phineas wanted to be like Santa. It was a very cute special. My girls without a doubt would watch it again. My 8 year old has already watched it twice. Even my 12 year old enjoyed it and with her you never know anymore.
If you get a chance sit down and watch this with the kids. I think it's a fun show that everyone can enjoy.
Alice on the Syfi Channel
My daughter is so excited because the Syfi Channel has a new miniseries starting tonight with a new take on Alice in Wonderland. My daughter has a great imagination and very much like me she loves science fiction and fantasy shows so when she saw this advertised she cued it right up to tape. It will be on too late for her to watch tonight. I sometimes let the bedtime slide a little, but the show starts at 9 and ends at 11. That's much to late.
I'm not sure what I think about them making a more modern movie. Honestly sometimes I think they should just leave things alone. Maybe they're running out of ideas. I did enjoy Tin Man last year, but I just thought of it as a completely different entity because honestly it was just so different from the Wizard of Oz that I grew up on. I think that's the way I'll look at this show and I hope I will enjoy it. Most of all I hope it doesn't disappoint my daughter. I'll let you know what I think and what she thinks after we catch it later this week.
Phineas and Ferb Christmas Special
One of my girls favorite shows is Phineas and Ferb. Even my oldest will sit and watch it for that matter my husband loves it. Sometimes I come downstairs to find him watching it when the kids aren't even around. I have to admit the show is funny in a very silly way. You really can't help, but laugh.
The basic premise is that these 10 year old boys Phineas and Ferb come up with these crazy things to do every day. When I say crazy I mean they built these massive things like roller coasters in their back yard or fly into space. Their sister Candace is always trying to get them in trouble with their mother, but by the time the mom comes to look the contraption they've built is gone.
There is also a side story with Perry their pet platypus who is actually a secret agent in disguise who needs to stop his arch nemesis Dr. Doofenshmirtz. He gets foiled every time by Perry and it usually ends up having something to do with what Phineas and Ferb are doing.
Well they have a brand new Christmas special coming out tomorrow on Disney XD. My husband set it to tape as soon as he saw it advertised. They are also planning to air it on the Disney Channel and ABC Family. I'm sure it will be great, but I will give a review after I watch it with the kids. I will say if you haven't had a chance to check this show out you may want to give it a try. It's something fun you can watch with the kids and my guess is you'll enjoy it as much as they do. Sometimes it's nice to just sit down and watch something silly.
Toilet paper for .45cents!!
Today I was able to get this package of toilet paper for .45cents! Here is how!
I went to Publix this morning and purchased everything with store and Manufactures coupons and got this.
The Benevia juice was on sale for $6.99, I used a store coupon for $3.00 off and a manufactures coupon for $5.00 off. So that gave me an overage of $1.01.
The Vitamin D Caps were $2.99 each. I got 2 and used a store coupon for $6.00 of the purchase of 2 Sundown Vitamins coupon. And I also used 2 manufactures coupons for $1.00 off one bottle. So that gave me a $2.00 overage!!
and the Revlon nail clippers were $1.49 and I used a store coupon for $2.50 off one Revlon tool and a manufactures coupon for $1.00 off. That is an overage of $2.01!
The toilet paper was on sale for $6.49, I used a manufactures coupon for $1.00 off.
The overage from the other coupons was $5.04 so I ended up paying .45 cents for the toilet paper and all the rest!
I could have used the overage and bought anything. We were needing toilet paper and I think that is one of the most overpriced things in the store so I chose to use it for that.
And I have enough coupons to do it one more time!
Cupcakes Always a Crowd Pleaser
Ever since my youngest was about 4 years old I have made cupcakes whenever there is a play date. I don't know why I started doing it, but the kids have always seemed to like it so I continued to do it.
I usually have them made and then let them frost them and decorate. It's both an activity and a snack. I figure you can't go wrong. They love it and it's fun to watch them make these crazy looking cupcakes and eat them.
Now my older one doesn't seem to be as interested in the cup cakes anymore (though she still eats them), but my youngest is still in full cup cake mode. Today I had two of her friends over after Brownies. I got them pizza and I had the cup cakes ready at home. I told them I had them for them and the shrieked with delight. That made me smile. It's nice to know little things can make them happy. Now if only it would remain that way.
Well as long as the girls enjoy the cupcakes I will keep making them. They definitely enjoyed them today. The mom's were happy to receive some to take home as well. Everyone likes a sweet treat once in awhile. I may even sneak one later. They just look so good.
Sheena Easton - My Baby Takes The Morning Train
Sheena Easton was a well known pop star in the 1980's. Probably most well known for her song "Morning Train". She had a string of other successful hits including the theme song from the James Bond movie "For Your Eyes Only".
Through the 90's and into this decade, Sheena has done various voice acting stints such as"Gargoyles" with Keith David and Ed Asner; and "All Dogs Go To Heaven 2" with
Through the 90's and into this decade, Sheena has done various voice acting stints such as"Gargoyles" with Keith David and Ed Asner; and "All Dogs Go To Heaven 2" with
For Your Eyes Only,
James Bond,
Morning Train,
Sheena Easton
Finally on Glee
Last night on Glee we were finally treated to one of the characters getting a clue. Mr. Schuester was searching for his pocket square and stumbled upon her baby bump padding. I'm not sure if it was my daughter or me but someone in the room yelled "Yes, about time." It took all season, but finally Mr. Schuester has found out that his wife has been faking her pregnancy. How he didn't know before now I have no idea. I mean really she wouldn't let him even touch her. What husband doesn't feel the real baby bump? Now we just have to hope that he'll divorce her and get together with Emma. My guess is they'll drag that storyline out for awhile. I'm just happy he knows about the wife.
Now the Glee club kids were all worried about taking a yearbook picture because it usually gets vandalized. None of the kids wanted to take the picture except for Rachel. The fabulous overachiever that she is. In the end they took a picture and came together as a team. It was fabulous. Now onto the regionals.
Best song of the night was definitely their rendition of Jump that they performed while making a commercial for a local mattress store. It was so much fun watching them jump around on the mattresses singing this song. It really made me want to jump around like crazy. All in all another great episode. Really looking forward to next weeks episode.
The Goonies Still a Great Movie
Last night while waiting for my husband to watch what we had on the DVR from Monday night I was flicking through the channels. I do this a lot. Not just on the TV but also in the car. I can't help myself. Anyway I came across The Goonies on some cable channel. Honestly can't remember which one there are just so many. Needless to say I stopped on it and couldn't stop laughing. It was right at the beginning where Data comes flying through the screen door using one of his crazy inventions. Then they are getting ready to move out and the mother hires a Spanish speaking housekeeper to help her get things ready. She is unable to speak Spanish so she asks one of the boys, Mouth, to help translate. He tells her all kinds of crazy things and my daughter and I just couldn't stop laughing. I'm telling you it is just such a great movie. I remember going to see it twice in the theater when it first came out in the 80's. To this day it remains a movie that I don't mind watching again and again.
I really liked that my daughter was enjoying it too. It's nice to know that movies that I liked at her age still hold their entertainment value. We didn't watch the whole movie as we ended up watching Lie To Me. I love that show. Never the less The Goonies has been on my mind today and just thinking about it makes me smile. What a fun movie. If you've never seen it check it out. It's about a group of kids that end up going on a treasure hunt right before their homes are going to be destroyed by land developers. It's a great adventure and it's rated PG so it's good clean fun.
So yesterday I did a little shopping. We went to 3 stores. Publix (grocery), Target and CVS. Here is everything that I got.
The total spent for all of this was $1.68!
First stop was Target where I got all of the Crackers. They were on sale and I used coupons for them all. I had 4/$1.50 off of the Wheatables and All brann crackers. And I used 2/$1.00 Target store coupons and 2/$1.00 Manufactures coupons for the pepperidge farms pretzel thins. The total was $2.96 and I paid for it with the free $5.00 gift card that I got from last week.
Then next stop was Publix where I got 6 bags of Fisher Trail mix. It was on sale BOGO which made it .89 a bag. I used 6/$1.00 off manufactures coupons to get them free with an .11 overage for each bag! So I got the Apple sauce on sale BOGO making them $1.16 each. I used 2/.75 of manufactures coupons and the overage from the trail mix coupons and the total came to .20 cents!! That is right .20cents!
Next stop was CVS. They had the shampoo and conditioner on clearance for .99 each. I got 8 bottles and I used 4/.55off 2 manufactures coupons. Also when I got there I scanned my CVS card and got a coupon for $5.00 off a $15.00 purchase. That is before coupons! So I also got the Revlon lipstick. It was on sale BOGO and I had 2/$2.00 manufactures coupons. The total for purchases at CVS was 1.48! And I have $4.00 in CVS credit to spen next time I go in!
Not too bad for a little shopping trip. Thankfully all the stores are close together and basically just down the road from us. So I do not spend much in gas going to 3 different stores. I actually made another stop at Winn Dixie to use a rain check that I have but they still do not have what I wanted back in stock. So that would have been added too but I guess it will have to wait till next time.
I have started my weekly Publix list and it looks like it will be a good one with lots of free and money maker things! The new sale start on Thursday here. So that is when I plan my shopping trip for the week. I usually don't go twice in a sale but I was able to get more coupons for the trail mix so why not go and get something that you enjoy for free?!
The total spent for all of this was $1.68!
First stop was Target where I got all of the Crackers. They were on sale and I used coupons for them all. I had 4/$1.50 off of the Wheatables and All brann crackers. And I used 2/$1.00 Target store coupons and 2/$1.00 Manufactures coupons for the pepperidge farms pretzel thins. The total was $2.96 and I paid for it with the free $5.00 gift card that I got from last week.
Then next stop was Publix where I got 6 bags of Fisher Trail mix. It was on sale BOGO which made it .89 a bag. I used 6/$1.00 off manufactures coupons to get them free with an .11 overage for each bag! So I got the Apple sauce on sale BOGO making them $1.16 each. I used 2/.75 of manufactures coupons and the overage from the trail mix coupons and the total came to .20 cents!! That is right .20cents!
Next stop was CVS. They had the shampoo and conditioner on clearance for .99 each. I got 8 bottles and I used 4/.55off 2 manufactures coupons. Also when I got there I scanned my CVS card and got a coupon for $5.00 off a $15.00 purchase. That is before coupons! So I also got the Revlon lipstick. It was on sale BOGO and I had 2/$2.00 manufactures coupons. The total for purchases at CVS was 1.48! And I have $4.00 in CVS credit to spen next time I go in!
Not too bad for a little shopping trip. Thankfully all the stores are close together and basically just down the road from us. So I do not spend much in gas going to 3 different stores. I actually made another stop at Winn Dixie to use a rain check that I have but they still do not have what I wanted back in stock. So that would have been added too but I guess it will have to wait till next time.
I have started my weekly Publix list and it looks like it will be a good one with lots of free and money maker things! The new sale start on Thursday here. So that is when I plan my shopping trip for the week. I usually don't go twice in a sale but I was able to get more coupons for the trail mix so why not go and get something that you enjoy for free?!
Growth Spurts
Okay so I'm looking at my 8 year old the other day and I notice her pants are looking a little short. Now those pants were just bought in September so usually they would last at least until the spring. I'm hoping it's just those pants, but no such luck most of her size 8 pants are looking short. No problem. I still have her sister's pants and Christmas is coming so I'll get her some new ones for Christmas. It's a little bit frustration though. The child is getting really tall fast and she has these really long legs.
Okay one child having a growth spurt is one thing, but the other one said to me this morning. "Mom I need new school pants these are getting too short." Seriously they are both growing out of their clothes at the same time. Oh and right before Christmas. I don't want to be buying uniform pants when I just bought them 2 months ago. You would think they could at least have these growth spurts at different times to save mom some money, but no that would make my life too easy. We wouldn't want that to happen.
Oh and did I mention my oldest is just about taller than me. Not that it's a difficult feet to accomplish. I mean I'm only a little over 5 ft and my husband is 6 ft so it was bound to happen. I just didn't expect it so soon. Can't they stay my tiny little girls a little longer? Is it really too much to ask?
Okay one child having a growth spurt is one thing, but the other one said to me this morning. "Mom I need new school pants these are getting too short." Seriously they are both growing out of their clothes at the same time. Oh and right before Christmas. I don't want to be buying uniform pants when I just bought them 2 months ago. You would think they could at least have these growth spurts at different times to save mom some money, but no that would make my life too easy. We wouldn't want that to happen.
Oh and did I mention my oldest is just about taller than me. Not that it's a difficult feet to accomplish. I mean I'm only a little over 5 ft and my husband is 6 ft so it was bound to happen. I just didn't expect it so soon. Can't they stay my tiny little girls a little longer? Is it really too much to ask?
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