Enjoying the Florida bounty!

We have discovered something since moving here to Florida. The fruits and veggies come into season much, much earlier here than up North. Yesterday we went berry picking at a local farm in Winter Haven. In Oregon and Washington you are not even thinking about getting local fresh berries until much later in the Spring and Summer. So we found a farm that had both strawberries and blueberries that we could pick. We were almost to late for the strawberries as they actually came into season in February. Can you believe that, February! But thankfully they are still holding on and we were able to get quite a lot. The blueberries are right in the middle of their season so we were all good there. We were able to pick about 6 1/2 lb in about 10 min or so. Another difference is the blueberries are HUGE. Like the size of cherries. Here are some photos that I just took of our bounty!

This last one is my favorite! It looks so Yummy!


Keeley lost her first tooth! Well the first one that naturally came out anyways. She had to have one pulled by the dentist a couple of years ago because she fell and killed the root. So this is her first lost tooth! She is so excited about having the tooth fairy come and possibly leave her something! We have also noticed yet another big difference between our two girls. Kaitlyn as soon as she discovers that she has a loose tooth, she is working on it wiggling it and will not leave it alone until it is out. So she can go from barely loose to all the way out in the course of several hours. Keeley on the other had found out that her tooth was loose at least a month and a half ago. She never worked it or would let me wiggle it. She could have had it out days ago if she had just wiggled a little. But no not her. She waited until It practically fell out on its own. She did end up giving it a little tug to get it all the way out but not much was needed. It is just amazing how two girls from the same parents can be so very different. Here is Keeley and her new look.

this is really what she thought of the whole thing!
The other tooth next to the one that came out today is also loose. I wonder how long she will let that go?

Work and Money? OR Dreams and Risk?

Many of you know we've been here since July of last year. We left behind a life of relative security, for a belief in a calling to something different.

So, it was interesting to get this truly amazing question from one of my good friends...

'Do you think that it's good living "on the edge" instead of doing the daily grind and having more "security" financially???'

And so I thought I'd share some of my deepest thoughts on this one...

If you're interested?

The funny thing is - I've thought about this concept a tremendous amount lately. And I'm not sure I have the correct answer.

In Oregon - we had a lot more money coming in through work, but we weren't living within our means as well as we should have. So we never 'felt' caught up or secure.

Here - we are using up our money. But, the way I figure it, we are only one good job away from doing much better financially. No other debts holding us down. Now, the house is a big one, BUT we were paying this much for the apartment anyhow (LITERALLY), so it's no big deal.

HOWEVER - I can't seem to come up with that one good job yet.

If you would have told me 10 months ago that I would still be looking for a full time job in Florida, I'm not sure I would have been as gung-ho to do it. But I still have to believe that this is going to end up somewhere good.

Probably the very hardest part for me has been this... I have literally felt that God wanted us to come here. I believe it in my heart. But, to my natural eyes, nothing has worked out right here - the way I thought it should. So, it has forced me to question whether my belief in what I thought God was saying even matters anymore. Does that make sense? i.e. - should I have done what I felt I thought God wanted us to do? OR should I have done what I personally would have liked to do more? That is my biggest question right now. And I think it's still up in the air for me right now. But, sometimes, you can't look at things just with your eyes. You have to have a dream, and a belief, that things will work out.

We never came here with the expectation to stay that long. We have felt it would be 3-5 years maybe, but never permanently.

Sure... not having enough money coming in is hard, and stressful. But I really feel like if you think it'll go somewhere good in the end, then you'll make it work and struggle through it. However - if you do it all, and then you realize that it isn't going to work out to your benefit after all, then what? Have I chased after a dream and a hope, only to have my entire efforts come crashing down? That would SUCK!

Anyhow, it's a tough choice, and one that I'm not sure I'd do the same way now that I'm on this side of it. But I still think it might work out okay, even with the struggles. I DO think, if I had already had a job lined up here in Florida, I would probably have NEVER pursued the teaching thing. And I would have never known if it was a good fit for me personally.

Living on the edge isn't as easy as I would have thought. All things said and done - I want a full-time job. I will continue to run my side businesses even when I get a full time job. I want the higher income that I feel like I'm worth from a job. I definitely want the health benefits for my family (that has been another HUGE issue for us here). I will still pack up and leave here when I think our time is done, BUT I think I might have a more definite strategy planned for what will happen when I get to the other end of the move - i.e. I will probably have a job already lined up, and I may not move until I do.


Just some thoughts from someone who's tried something that a lot of people have thought about, maybe even dreamed about doing, but maybe aren't ready, or able, to take those risks.

What do you think?


P.S. - on a similar note - I read this interesting article at yahoo tonight, and thought I'd share it with you....

It talks about strategies for working into your dream job - no matter if you're in your 20's, or your 50's.
6 Tips to Getting YOUR Dream Job

Another Airshow in Lakeland, Florida - Sun 'n Fun

Well isn't it strange...

We leave Hillsboro, Oregon and the killer airshow they have there every summer, only to find that Lakeland has one of it's own.

It's called the Sun 'n Fun.

The other strange / cool part about it, is that our house is only a few miles from the airport here in Lakeland. So we got some decent sound and views of the flying acrobatics.

We only grabbed a few pictures of the Thunderbirds for this year's show, from April 8th to 13th. These are right from our front yard though... not to shabby!

Talk to you soon.


Re-Discovered - KILLER Mountain biking trails about 4 miles away from home

Many of you know I LOVE riding bikes.

Since we've been here in the heat infested lands of Florida, I haven't ridden a lot. Partly - the heat will just kill you if you ride in it, and you aren't used to it. But you will dehydrate very quickly, as well.


Today we ventured into a new park, and made an absolutely LOVERLY discovery.

Miles of mountain biking trails - and they're only about 4 miles from home.


I am just thrilled. I can't even believe it.

Here's some of the details, if you're interested:

Map by Yahoo

It used to be called the Carter Road Park Mountain Bike Trail.
NOW, it goes by:
The Loyce Harpe Park.

Here's a link to the map of the trails at the park.

Just in case anyone decides to visit and go for a ride with me...

Hint! Hint!

Jason... are you listening?



Greetings... Earthlings!

I haven't said that in a while.

We've been dreaming up crazy ideas again, and this is one of those.

This is a video the girls and I cooked up.
If you like watching us be a little looney, then go ahead and watch.

If you're sick of seeing me or the girls being weird, then there's no need to watch.

(Sorry - I screwed up on the video being played here - it should play now, as I changed the settings in youtube)

All the best,

Our New Place


Just wanted to add a quick post.
We shot this video of our new house on the day we signed.

I hope you enjoy it!
There's a few shots of the girls being all crazy and funky.

All the best,

A Brief Visit from Oregon


I just wanted to drop a quick line, and say thanks...

To you!

For loving us, for calling us, for writing to us, for checking out our website, and most important of all - for praying for us.

This has definitely NOT been as easy a move as I was hoping it would. For all intents and purposes, there have been no positive indications, that say this was a good choice for us (just based on external factors).


Sometimes you have to step out, and have some faith.
And I think that is what we have done by coming here.

It was an absolute pleasure to have the Miller's stop in the other night, and visit us for awhile. We have only known them, and visited with them, over quick periods of time. But it has always been a pleasure to see them.

Jim has a very cool website, which I am always thrilled to chat about.
You can check it out at:

I could probably spend hours just talking to him about that, and yet there is SO MUCH more to say and discuss.

So their quick, couple hour visit was not even close to long enough. But I was SO happy to see them. They were encouraging, and hopeful, and a gift to see.

Anyhow - Thanks Jim and Edith for stopping by, just to say Hi.

We hope to see you again!

The spare 'oom' leaves a standing invitation for you to come stay. Since we took away from your Cape Canaveral visit, you can stay here when you visit. And you simply MUST go to Clearwater beach. And who knows what else you missed to come see us?

If you're out there thinking...
I would like to visit Florida - email me.
It's a great place to visit - but I'm not sure about the welcome you'll get if you decide to stay permanently.

Let's talk - and see what we can do.

All the best,

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